Another Book – Another Amazing Experience

One of my greatest joys this past year was having the opportunity to work with my friend Kyle Reese, the Director of OneJax, Inc., a nonprofit organization in Jacksonville, Florida, that seeks to promote diversity as a foundation for a strong inclusive community. One.Jax is dedicated to achieving understanding, civility, and respect for all peoples.
Kyle and I collaborated together this year with OneJax and have written a beautiful book: Different Together: Bridges of Mutual Respect. This powerful book is filled with positive and inspiring stories about interactions and relationships between people of diverse cultural backgrounds, experiences, and faiths. The heartwarming accounts will help the reader build understanding and respect for all peoples, even among people who may feel or be different from one another. The stories in Different Together will help all of us to understand that differences can be welcomed and celebrated.
This special book – which speaks so strongly to us during these difficult days – has been published and is available for $7.00 on Amazon. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. I hope you will have the opportunity to read the book. Eventually, we hope to have it also as an E-book for Kindle.

Thank you for your ongoing support and positive thoughts as I continue to live life fully in spite of the challenges I face. As many people have said, pain and loss can sometimes bring out the best in us.
May we care deeply for one another and bring peace to our world. Thank you for being a part of my life.
–Joy Carol
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